Short Stick

Well, I'm down to three days in the hamlet. Two shifts after this one, a four hour rest, and then I catch a flight back to Yellowknife.

I'm not sure how I feel to be leaving. I like it here- I like my coworkers, almost all of my patients, and the Arctic in general. While the weather has taken a turn, it's not bad enough to seriously concern so much as irritate me. Intestinal problems continue, largely chalked up to the water. One colleague has resorted to boiling all of her water- we both have roughly the same symptoms (which I won't discuss- you can thank me when I get home).

I've already started planning for my next trip up- food, equipment, priorities. Like I said, I'll be writing a quick and dirty guide, and when I am packed up and ready to go on my next adventure, I'll be taking pictures of what I'm packing. I also might do some gear reviews, depending on what I purchase. A hat, for sure, as well as a proper set of goggles. Sunglasses simply aren't cutting it.

I'm still not sure if I am going back to agency work when I get back to the south- I'll want to relax a little, for sure. I definitely need to unpack and arrange my new house, and if I have a bucket of money and another paycheck coming, I won't be in any particular hurry, unless I want to buy something fun, like a gaming laptop.

Which is an interesting proposition...

But, first, a trip to Ohio to visit some rollercoaster parks and visit a friend, and spend some time with the wife. Enjoy temperatures over freezing, eat some decent food, sleep in, see the sun. I guess I've lost my gauge of how tired I am- switching from days to nights again, I slept sixteen hours. Went to bed at 2300 after my day shift, slept till 07, back to bed at 10 till 1800. I'm still tired, but I feel a lot better.

Two days of travel to get home should be enough to get me onto a day schedule, and give me a chance to catch up on sleep.


  1. Get your rest Chris. Sounds like you had an exciting experience.


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