
So, we're at my final week on this tour.

Seven days left before I fly out, six of which I am working. That means the coffers will certainly be full when I get home, allowing me to relax and hopefully get a few certifications. That would be a nice luxury, I think- having made enough money that I could upgrade my credentials, ensuring the more plum contracts. After a few weeks down south, I come back up for another tour. Keep doing that for awhile, then get my RN.

The locals continue to be shocked that I not ony eat, but actively enjoy 'country food', which is the traditional food. They seem to take delight in the fact that I'll sit with them and eat it. There's a firm sense of community up here- everyone shares, everyone brings a little something.

Is there a possibility I could get a parasite or injest a frightening amount of mercury? Yes. Does it bother me? Not really. Hell, I could (and several times, nearly have) end up run over by an ATV. If I was risk-adverse, I wouldn't be here. This is the frontier, dammit- you wanted a challenge, you wanted to push your limits and  find yourself, well here you are. Immerse yourself. Get some cultural enrichment.

I think that's one of those problems with people of my generation- there's the perception that there's no more frontier, no place to push yourself, just a mindless job, endless student debt and a Sysiphean grind against the economy. The magic of the world has been washed away, glimpsed only through Instagram and Youtube- making it seem all that much further away.

Something to mull over, folks.
