Coffee and Spite

That's pretty much what's keepinng me going right now.

I've been getting about four hours of sleep for the first couple of nights after I transition from days to nights for years. It usually lasts about three to four days, and we're on day two. I'm just flat out exhausted, but I want to finish the contract strong. Tomorrow is going to be brutal- not only am I working my final shift, but it's med count (so I have to count all the medications and reorder what we're running low on), I'll likely be short staffed, and once I'm done, I'll have less than eight hours to do laundry, clean and head to the airport. It'll be about a thirty-hour day, with some jet lag. At least in Yellowknife I'll be able to get a beer and a decent meal before I just conk out. After that, it'll be a day of flying to get home at midnight and to my new place.

Usually, my sweet spot for sleeping is waking up at 1000, going to bed at 0200. I like my nights, I'm not much one for waking up early. I can do it if provoked, of course- maybe I'm just a few timezones off or something. I don't doubt I'll be sleeping in once I get home, trying desperately to catch up on sleep for the first few days. I'll take a break from the blog, except to upload pictures, maybe give a hot wash.

I just need to gut it out.
